Thursday, February 25, 2016

EPRS Injury and Incident Reporting- Picking a Month

Injury and Incident Reporting


There continues to be some confusion with the selection of a MONTH for Injury and Incident (I&I) reporting. The I&I reporting, as you know, is a monthly assessment  of the safety occurrence on a project. You also know that the prime vendor is responsible for reporting this information back to TxDOT monthly. What you may not know, and what recent calls to this office indicate, is which month’s report represents which month. I know the question sounds silly, but let me add some clarity with regards to the month’s selection and put this issue to rest.


The report due to TxDOT by the 20th of each month is named for the month in which it is due and this report will contain incident and injury information collected from the previous month.


For example, a vendor conducting work in January, has to the twentieth day in February to submit an I&I report for that January’s work. This report will be the February report as February represent the month in which the report is due.


I can hear a few grumblings, but CST modeled this after the 2009 Recovery Act. You remember those monthly job reports don’t you? It’s the same monthly reporting method we used from 2009 - 2013 to submit our employment number to the Feds. I’m pretty sure this make it bullet proof – Just saying.



Continue to have that great week!




Be Safe. Drive Smart.