Thursday, February 25, 2016

EPRS Injury and Incident Reporting- Picking a Month

Injury and Incident Reporting


There continues to be some confusion with the selection of a MONTH for Injury and Incident (I&I) reporting. The I&I reporting, as you know, is a monthly assessment  of the safety occurrence on a project. You also know that the prime vendor is responsible for reporting this information back to TxDOT monthly. What you may not know, and what recent calls to this office indicate, is which month’s report represents which month. I know the question sounds silly, but let me add some clarity with regards to the month’s selection and put this issue to rest.


The report due to TxDOT by the 20th of each month is named for the month in which it is due and this report will contain incident and injury information collected from the previous month.


For example, a vendor conducting work in January, has to the twentieth day in February to submit an I&I report for that January’s work. This report will be the February report as February represent the month in which the report is due.


I can hear a few grumblings, but CST modeled this after the 2009 Recovery Act. You remember those monthly job reports don’t you? It’s the same monthly reporting method we used from 2009 - 2013 to submit our employment number to the Feds. I’m pretty sure this make it bullet proof – Just saying.



Continue to have that great week!




Be Safe. Drive Smart.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

SiteManager Material Excel Test Files


In August we shared with you our new and improved process for distributing the Microsoft Excel material test files we use with SiteManager  (August notices about SiteManager tx2.014).


Since the beginning of SiteManager, these Excel files have been stored and accessed on your network apps drive under the SMGR directory (X:\SMGR\SM3X\MSEXCELTEMPLATES\). This email will serve as a follow-up communication to the August notice to retire this folder.  The files listed here at  this SMGR directory have been out of date by several months and an October 2015 request to remove this folder from your view is just now being realized. After this week, you will no longer find the Excel material test files listed at this location.


SiteManager Non-Inspector users may continue to access these files on their local PC drive at  “C:\program files (x86)\smapp\xitemanager\” or  “C:\program files\smapp\xitemanager\” or on the TxDOT internet site at for Citrix and Terminal Server users.


Have a great week,





Be Safe. Drive Smart.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Follw-up: TxDOT SiteManager Citrix access is moving



There was some confusion the last time I made this proclamation. So, I hope to be more specific this time.


This message is intended to all of you who have a SiteManager Citrix Account. If you do not have such an account, you may ignore this message. For those of you that do have an account please read the following.


If you recall, last November I sent this email below notifying you of the pending retirement of our MetaFrame Citrix Servers. Their replacement XenApp servers have been up and running now for a few months and almost all of you have successfully migrated over to the new address. For those of you that have not migrated, Thursday of this week is the last day you’ll be able to use the old address. The older MetaFrame servers are scheduled to be retired on Thursday the 18th.


If you  have been unsuccessful thus far in using the new address, I recommend you contact TxDOT and place an IT Ticket through TxDOTNow so that you can get relief before Friday when the XenApp servers are your only option.


Thank you,






From: Stewart DeWitt
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 9:23 AM
Subject: TxDOT SiteManager Citrix access is moving


TxDOT SiteManager Citrix access is moving




We are moving our SiteManager Citrix access over to Bookmark this link in your browser’s favorites.


Beginning today Monday, November 30th SiteManager users accessing SiteManager via Citrix should transition over to the Citrix XenApp environment found at this link.

This transition to the Citrix XenApp platform should significantly improve the performance of SiteManager as well as its reliability. Instructions for navigating the new XenApp portal can be found on the CMISD /SiteManager webpage under the MTS/Citrix section or by following this link http://crossroads/org/cst/cmisd/docs/SiteMgr/XenAppCI.pdf.


Are you receiving a blank black screen of nothing when clicking on the new Citrix portal link? Internet Explorer users should be certain their browser’s compatibility setting is turned on for this website. Learn more here.



Access to SiteManager via the old Citrix MetaFrame gateway at will be discontinued mid December 2015.


Questions or technical issues can be forwarded to


Another copy of this email will be sent directly to SiteManager Citrix account holders.


Thank you







Kick off the game with a plan to get home safe.