Monday, November 3, 2014

SiteManager Update This Weekend

SiteManager 3.8a tx2.013 patch scheduled for distribution the weekend of Friday, November 7th.



On the evening of Friday, November 7th, IT will begin a weekend long process to distribute a SiteManager 2.013 patch statewide. This distribution will not affect the availability of SiteManager.  A patch similar to this was installed on the MTS and Citrix servers several weeks back. This deployment is to sync your locally installed SiteManager application (a.k.a. Non- Inspector) to that same patch and version.


ü  Please make every attempt to keep all SiteManager PC's powered on during this period.

ü  Log out of any SiteManager workstations or keep the SiteManager application closed while not in use this weekend.

ü  It is not mandatory for standalone users to check in their work prior to this upgrade.

ü  Laptops with a local installation of SiteManager (a.k.a. Non- Inspector) must be on the network this weekend to receive the update.

ü  SiteManager client access (a.k.a. Non-Inspector) on workstations and laptops across the state will not be disrupted. However, there is a chance that an active SiteManager session will miss the patch if the deployment and the active session overlap (Date & Time).

ü  SiteManager access to reports and reporting tools will not be disrupted.

ü  Citrix and Terminal server SiteManager access will not be disrupted.

ü  Workstations and laptops that use Citrix and Terminal Servers connections exclusively do not have to be on the network to receive the update.


How to do determine if your computer received the patch?

On Monday, November 10th  open SiteManager and from the menu choose HELP and then ABOUT ( HELP>>ABOUT) . Read the number beneath 3.8a TXDOT 2.013 version. This number will read (20141030) if your device received the patch.


Missed the patch update?

If your workstation or laptop is not on the network this weekend or for whatever reason the patch is not installed come Monday, November 10th, you must request it through TXDOTNOW. Your request should include your computer’s name and instructions to deploy the LANDesk package “AASHTOWare SiteManager Patch 1 for 2.013 - Install (7x64, 7x32)” to your device.


What to expect from the patch?


·         DWR Preview Date – MM/DD/YYYY Formatting has been restored.


·         Estimate cost distribution no longer requires a Task Number for any PCBU.

·         APPN and Activity are now filled in with default values for PCBU76.

·         Pending estimate approvals due to missing task numbers can now be approved without error.

·         Estimate rejections can now process uninterrupted.

·         Widened the dropdown lists in columns Activity and Project in the Other PCBU’s tab in the Estimate Distribution window.

·         DWR Preview Date – MM/DD/YYYY Formatting has been restored.







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