Grab your pitchforks and flaming torches, the old CMISD website has been decommissioned.
You may have recently gone to your reliable and trusted bookmark to assess the old CMISD website and learned the page is no longer available. I know some of you were fond of the old site, which was why it was left it up for the last two years, but the powers that be said it was time for it to go. But take comfort in knowing that the current site contains the same reports. In some cases they have been updated to include additional data, but they should all be there. Please contact us if you need assistance finding a familiar report.
Listed below are links to a few commonly requested pages. You may find these helpful for future navigation or for creating new bookmarks to the CMISD website.
· Payments
· DWRs
We are also looking at ways we can make the reports page on the current site more ‘user friendly’. Go ahead and shoot us an email if you have a suggestion, but keep in mind that the power that be will soon come for this website too and we’ll want to keep these modifications to something below a heroic level of effort.
Thank you,
Join us Jan. 14, 2015 as we celebrate 10 years of transportation transformation in Texas.