Dear SiteManager Material User,
The SiteManager Excel test files mention previously with the May 27th email below are scheduled for distribution to your X:\APPS directories this evening Tuesday , June 2nd.
Benefits associated to these files are listed here.
Bug fixes:
· Outlook Excel viewer compatibility - This issue prevented users from both viewing an Excel attachment in Outlook while simultaneously opening an Excel test file from SiteManager.
· Enable sample authorization – Excel erroneously offered samples for authorization with only a single individual listed as tester, reviewer, and authorizer. This has been corrected.
· Excel right click menu – Should Excel and the XiteReport close unexpectedly, the application will no longer strand the user without the use of the right click menu.
· Close Error Message - The message “Object is invalid or not set” error will no longer display when closing the XiteManager.
· No more ADDIN tab necessary- The XiteManager, XiteReport, and Assistant toolbar options have been incorporated into the newer Excel “Ribbon”. Users no longer have to navigate to the ADDIN tab to locate these options (however they can if they choose).

· User search forms have been increased in width and height to make it slightly easier to search and selected records.
· Excel Focus – Excel will take the focus whenever a test from SiteManager is requested. Previously when Excel was minimized it would remain minimized until the user selected the application from the task bar.
· ADDIN - The XiteManager file has been changed to an AddIn file type. Now when requesting a SiteManager test only one excel file will be visible whereas, before two files udm.xls and the requested test file would open.
· Tester Names – Tester drop downs now sort by tester name/tester id.
How will you recognize the files have been delivered Wednesday morning?
If the enhancements mentioned above are present obviously this is a good sign that the updates were delivered, but alternatively you could navigate to the X:\SMGR\SM3x\msexceltemplates folder and check the file extensions and dates. File extensions should be .xlsm and the file dates should almost exclusively be from this year. If you learn that the directory did not update, please contact us at CST_SITEMANAGER@TXDOT.GOV and include the name of the directory if possible. An example would be similar to “APPS(\\TXDOT4AVHQ48\DATA12\APPS\CH_X)(X:)”.

From: Stewart DeWitt
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:55 AM
To: Subject: Updated SiteManager Material Excel Test files
Dear SiteManager Material User,
Your TxDOT SiteManager Excel test files have been updated and are available now on your TxDOT website. Most notably this update includes a migration of all files to the newer Microsoft 2007+ macro enabled file extension .xlsm.
The request to distribute these updated files was sent through the IT distribution labyrinth at the first of May. The files were quickly distributed to the txdot website, but they have yet to be distributed to your statewide x:\apps\smgr\sm3x\msexceltemplates\ directory. Instead of retracting the web files until a time when IT can push the files to your servers, we have decided to continue moving forward.
What does this means for you? The impact can be summarized in one word – Importing. If you frequently import into SiteManager test data from a saved file, you’ll want to read the exceptions below. These exceptions are linked to the new XLSM files only*. The older XLS files will continue without error to import today and after these updated XLSM files are distributed to your x:\APPS directory.
When or if a contractor or commercial lab begins using the xlsm files you’ll want to read and understand these exceptions for importing the test data:
· Terminal Server for SiteManager
· This is the recommended option. Currently there are no issues with this platform.
· Non-Inspector SiteManager
· Importing: Pending an update to your network APPS directory, the new XLSM files will not import into the client Non-Inspector SiteManager version. The workaround is to use the Terminal Servers for SiteManager.
· SiteManager Citrix
· Importing: Pending an update to the actual Citrix servers which is slated for July, the new XLSM files will not import on the SiteManager Citrix. The workaround is to email the files to be imported to We’ll revert them to a version acceptable to the Citrix server and return them to you.
These exceptions are linked to the new XLSM files only.
A follow-up will be sent when the distribution to your local X:\APPS directory is complete. As of right now we do not have an estimated distribution date.
*Note – Reverting a newer XLSM file to a previous version by saving it as a 97-2003 XLS file type will not resolve the import error.
Thank you,