On Friday, September 13, 2013 IT will begin the process of updating your SiteManager application to the latest release. The new version (3.8a tx 2.012) will be made available for install through LANDesk. The upgrade process will begin at 6 PM on Friday and will proceed through Saturday and Sunday (all times central). SiteManager (Citrix, MTS and client) and SiteManager reporting will be unavailable for the duration. SiteManager is scheduled to be available again Monday, September 16th at 6 AM or sooner.
- Please make every attempt to keep all SiteManager PC's powered on during this period.
- Maintenance (MNT) workstations are to be included.
- It is mandatory that standalone users check in all work prior to 6:00 PM Friday, September 13, 2013.
- Remember – When users open SiteManager for the first time after the upgrade the user ID field on the logon screen will be blank. SiteManager user ID’s are case sensitive and 99% of these ID’s are all upper case characters.
- The inclusion of MNT users could result in a high number of support calls.
Webinars are scheduled for Tuesday September 10th at 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM to review the updates to the software. You may find the specific meeting details at by searching the calendar of scheduled meetings. The password for entry is “sitemanager”.
This 3.8a tx2.012 upgrade contains these significant changes.
- Maintenance Contracts Pay in SiteManager
You may exhale. Yes, the long awaited release of MNT in SiteManager is upon us. If everything goes as planned you will soon hear your MNT brothers and sisters proclaiming the virtues of SiteManager. At this time only contracts let after September 1st will be loaded to SiteManager for payment (no facility contracts).
We have relied on the MNT Division to introduce the application to their users, but I expect many of you will be called on to assist them where necessary. For the most part their SiteManager is your SiteManager, with the exception of three main areas.
§ Maintenance Distribution window
After estimate generation this window will allow the MNT user to distribute the cost across the applicable segments. Estimate approval cannot conclude until all costs are distributed.
§ DWR Calendar window Segment 78 Distribution
While working with a MNT contract, users of the DWR Calendar will have the option to distribute costs to the segment 78 functions and assets.
§ MMS (Compass) SiteManager interface
The DWR Calendar option to distribute costs to the segment 78 is dependent on an interface between SiteManager and MMS. A MMS contract is required before segment 78 costs can be distributed through SiteManager.
- Material Test Tester Required
To ensure that a tester is identified with a material test, all tests for material samples must now identify a tester. Test data can be saved with a material sample record, but before a stamp code is added a tester must be identified. *
- Material Sample Authorization
To ensure adequate segregation of duties for our quality assurance material testing, we have included a check to prevent a single user from testing, reviewing (stamp coding) and authorizing a sample. Of the three groups (tester, reviewer, authorizer) at least two individuals must be documented and no single user can be documented doing all three when marking a sample accepted.
- FHWA Change Order Comments
FHWA engineers will have their own dedicated comments section in the change order header window. Users with the FHWA Engineer role have permission to leave up to ten 225 character date stamped comments.
* Note - Available testers are listed with each test method as recorded within the Labinator or the Approved Lists within SiteManager. For a tester to be available for a material sample test record the test’s start date must fall between a tester’s effective and expiration dates for the test. This is a change. Previously the current date was used when displaying the available testers.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives.