IT has corrected the issue with the SiteManager terminal and report servers.
Thank you,
Texas Transportation Forum: Jan. 6-8, 2014
IT has corrected the issue with the SiteManager terminal and report servers.
Thank you,
Texas Transportation Forum: Jan. 6-8, 2014
IT is aware of the issue and is working on a solution.
Thank you,
Texas Transportation Forum: Jan. 6-8, 2014
SiteManager Material Sourcing Letter
Two items have changed recently with the SiteManager sourcing letter.
1. The materials now include CST Structural materials. Previously the Structural branch forwarded their own ‘structural material only’ sourcing letter to the contractor. Now these materials will be included with the SiteManager sourcing letter and no second sourcing letter from the Structural branch will be sent. The Structural branch requests that you send them a copy of the contractor’s returned sourcing letter. Expect a follow-up email from Jana Buck with instructions.
2. The contractor now has an option to choose a material producer from a pick list when available. The material producers listed are those with current* effective periods for the selected material. They are primarily QM material producers. Contractors may still type the name of the producer when either none is listed or the desired producer is not available in the list.
*Date when the report is generated
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives.
The option to record third party funding with your contract change order is only available with the SiteManager Terminal and Citrix servers.
The option is unavailable on the client “Non-Inspector” version of the software and it will remain so until a new update to the software is distributed to the client machines.
This is likely to be after the iDriveIT Hardware Refresh initiative is complete.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives.
On Friday, September 13, 2013 IT will begin the process of updating your SiteManager application to the latest release. The new version (3.8a tx 2.012) will be made available for install through LANDesk. The upgrade process will begin at 6 PM on Friday and will proceed through Saturday and Sunday (all times central). SiteManager (Citrix, MTS and client) and SiteManager reporting will be unavailable for the duration. SiteManager is scheduled to be available again Monday, September 16th at 6 AM or sooner.
Webinars are scheduled for Tuesday September 10th at 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM to review the updates to the software. You may find the specific meeting details at by searching the calendar of scheduled meetings. The password for entry is “sitemanager”.
This 3.8a tx2.012 upgrade contains these significant changes.
You may exhale. Yes, the long awaited release of MNT in SiteManager is upon us. If everything goes as planned you will soon hear your MNT brothers and sisters proclaiming the virtues of SiteManager. At this time only contracts let after September 1st will be loaded to SiteManager for payment (no facility contracts).
We have relied on the MNT Division to introduce the application to their users, but I expect many of you will be called on to assist them where necessary. For the most part their SiteManager is your SiteManager, with the exception of three main areas.
§ Maintenance Distribution window
After estimate generation this window will allow the MNT user to distribute the cost across the applicable segments. Estimate approval cannot conclude until all costs are distributed.
§ DWR Calendar window Segment 78 Distribution
While working with a MNT contract, users of the DWR Calendar will have the option to distribute costs to the segment 78 functions and assets.
§ MMS (Compass) SiteManager interface
The DWR Calendar option to distribute costs to the segment 78 is dependent on an interface between SiteManager and MMS. A MMS contract is required before segment 78 costs can be distributed through SiteManager.
To ensure that a tester is identified with a material test, all tests for material samples must now identify a tester. Test data can be saved with a material sample record, but before a stamp code is added a tester must be identified. *
To ensure adequate segregation of duties for our quality assurance material testing, we have included a check to prevent a single user from testing, reviewing (stamp coding) and authorizing a sample. Of the three groups (tester, reviewer, authorizer) at least two individuals must be documented and no single user can be documented doing all three when marking a sample accepted.
FHWA engineers will have their own dedicated comments section in the change order header window. Users with the FHWA Engineer role have permission to leave up to ten 225 character date stamped comments.
* Note - Available testers are listed with each test method as recorded within the Labinator or the Approved Lists within SiteManager. For a tester to be available for a material sample test record the test’s start date must fall between a tester’s effective and expiration dates for the test. This is a change. Previously the current date was used when displaying the available testers.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives.
On Friday, September 13, 2013 IT will begin the process of updating your SiteManager application to the latest release. The new version (3.8a tx 2.012) will be made available for install through LANDesk. The upgrade process will begin at 6 PM on Friday and will proceed through Saturday and Sunday (all times central). SiteManager (Citrix, MTS and client) and SiteManager reporting will be unavailable for the duration. SiteManager is scheduled to be available again Monday, September 16th at 6 AM or sooner.
Webinars are scheduled for Tuesday September 10th at 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM to review the updates to the software. You may find the specific meeting details at by searching the calendar of scheduled meetings. The password for entry is “sitemanager”.
This 3.8a tx2.012 upgrade contains these significant changes.
You may exhale. Yes, the long awaited release of MNT in SiteManager is upon us. If everything goes as planned you will soon hear your MNT brothers and sisters proclaiming the virtues of SiteManager. At this time only contracts let after September 1st will be loaded to SiteManager for payment (no facility contracts).
We have relied on the MNT Division to introduce the application to their users, but I expect many of you will be called on to assist them where necessary. For the most part their SiteManager is your SiteManager, with the exception of three main areas.
§ Maintenance Distribution window
After estimate generation this window will allow the MNT user to distribute the cost across the applicable segments. Estimate approval cannot conclude until all costs are distributed.
§ DWR Calendar window Segment 78 Distribution
While working with a MNT contract, users of the DWR Calendar will have the option to distribute costs to the segment 78 functions and assets.
§ MMS (Compass) SiteManager interface
The DWR Calendar option to distribute costs to the segment 78 is dependent on an interface between SiteManager and MMS. A MMS contract is required before segment 78 costs can be distributed through SiteManager.
To ensure that a tester is identified with a material test, all tests for material samples must now identify a tester. Test data can be saved with a material sample record, but before a stamp code is added a tester must be identified. *
To ensure adequate segregation of duties for our quality assurance material testing, we have included a check to prevent a single user from testing, reviewing (stamp coding) and authorizing a sample. Of the three groups (tester, reviewer, authorizer) at least two individuals must be documented and no single user can be documented doing all three when marking a sample accepted.
FHWA engineers will have their own dedicated comments section in the change order header window. Users with the FHWA Engineer role have permission to leave up to ten 225 character date stamped comments.
* Note - Available testers are listed with each test method as recorded within the Labinator or the Approved Lists within SiteManager. For a tester to be available for a material sample test record the test’s start date must fall between a tester’s effective and expiration dates for the test. This is a change. Previously the current date was used when displaying the available testers.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives.
If you would like to participate in the donation part Melissa mentions below, you can send to Stewart or I. Even if it is just a dollar, thinking, collectively we could afford to get him a live Tyrannosaurus Rex that likes to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Stewart will make the decision on what the gift will be J
From: Melissa Daniels
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 8:48 AM
Greetings All!
As a follow-up to Tom’s retirement announcement, I would like to invite all who wish to assist in the planning of the reception to contact me. If you wish to make a donation towards a retirement gift, you may stop by and see either Crystal Woodruff or Stewart DeWitt at Cedar Park or me here at Riverside.
Thank you,
Melissa Daniels
Field Engineering Branch
Construction Division
ph. 512-416-2428
fax 512-416-2551
Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives.
In case you don’t know, Tom is bailing on us, please see below!
From: Tom Kolko
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 12:50 PM
Subject: Thomas De La Portilla - Retirement
It is with mixed emotions that I announce the retirement of Tom De La Portilla. The date we have feared, yet anticipated for years, is August 31, 2013. He has served as a member of the CMISD branch for the past 11 years.
Tom began his career in 1985 with the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. He was on the survey crew in the Corpus Christi Area Office. In 1998 he transferred to El Paso East Area Office, and in 1999 he moved to the Construction Division in Austin as mainframe support for construction contracts.
During his career with the department, Tom was instrumental in developing the majority of the department’s AASHTO SiteManager reports. These reports are used daily by District and Division staff to document, audit and analyze construction payments, change orders, material usage and testing, just to name a few. If it’s a construction-related report from the last 10 years, it is likely that Tom played a significant role in developing it. He also traveled the State training District staff to use the SiteManager software.
He was an active member of AASHTOWare’s Project Technical Review Team. He served four years as the Construction Management TAG coordinator for the Trans-port Users Group and recently as the vice-chair of the Project Users Group (PUG) Conference.
Tom plans to spend plenty of time with his wife, Diane, and his three children (Claire, Edward and Emily). Please join me in congratulating Tom on his outstanding TxDOT career and wishing him a long, happy and healthy retirement.
Also, please join us for a reception in his honor on Friday, August 30th at 2 PM in Conference Room 1A.1 in Building 200.
Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives.
SiteManager, EPRS, LIMS and SiteManager ADHOC reporting will be unavailable Sunday June 16th between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
From: Jay Edwards
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 1:58 PM
To: Thane Mitchell; Stewart DeWitt; James Bunner; Keith Buckley; Hisham Makkouk; Veronica Davis; Lois Johnson; Drake Kirk (; Steven Williams; Tricia Bowen; Ellen Boughter; Golam Sarwar (
Subject: AIX Maintenace
Xerox will upgrading AIX from 5.3 to 6.1 on the following LPARs.
Production Databases affected: SMGR, SMGRADHC, EPRS, LIMS, SMGRPS, CPS, ETSA
Date: Sunday June 16th
Start Time: 10:00 AM
Duration: 6 hrs
The duration is for several LPARS to be completed. Xerox has been instructed to update TX-SM-PD and TX-SM-PD2 (SMGR, SMGRADHC, EPRS, LIMS, SMGRPS) first. The Xerox estimate is three hours to complete the SMGR LPARs. TX-ORA-PD (CPS,ETA) will not be started till after 12 PM due to the ETA mviews.
The Compass team was included since SMGR is connected to and from the Compass production database.
If there are any questions or delays please let us know.
Be Smart. Get a Head Start.
Hurricane season is June through November.
Access to the SiteManager XM shortcuts, DWR Summary, Labinator, Material Sourcing Letter & STAT has been restored.
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Be Smart. Get a Head Start.
Hurricane season is June through November.
Currently the SiteManager XM shortcut, DWR Summary, STAT & the Labinator are unavailable due to a server issue. The issue has been recorded with ISD and we hope to have a resolution soon.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Access to the SiteManager XM shortcut, DWR Summary Report and SiteManager Test Reporting has been restored.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Currently SiteManager users are unable to access the SiteManager XM shortcut, DWR Summary Report and SiteManager Test Reporting. This includes the ability to report material test results with the use of the Excel test files. ISD has been made aware of the issue and we hope to have a resolution quickly.
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
As of this morning the LANDesk administrators report that there are 755 workstations or laptops still remaining to be updated.
Users of these 755 workstations/laptops that currently do not have access to the SiteManager for Terminal Server should report the issue immediately. Please submit an incident with TxDOTNow and include your computer name and address it to the attention of CSD_LANDESK.
For the remaining users please continue to use the Terminal Server option until the update is applied to your computer.
Custom ADHOC Reporting:
As it was mentioned with the May 9th notice , the administrative lock down for PC's at ISD is preventing the display of PDF reports in the web. As a result this option has temporarily been removed from the ADHOC custom report server. ISD is actively trying to restore this option and it is more than reasonable to believe that it will return by the end of this week.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
In the last 24 hours the LANDesk group has been working to update more than 3800 SiteManager workstations to the new version.
I’m told this morning that more than 1800 have successfully been updated.
The update process is two parts.
To update your local SiteManager(Non- Inspector) application, the LANDesk administrator must first remove the previous version and then install the new version.
Unfortunately for some of you the lag between uninstall and reinstall has left you with no SiteManager option. This includes the working Terminal Server option you had yesterday.
If you are in this situation please submit an incident with TxDOTNow. Include your computer name and address it to the attention of CSD_LANDESK.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
…More information
· IT is currently working to restart the update so the SiteManager (Non-Inspector) may be available again by the end of the day or sooner.
· Please close and keep closed your SiteManager (Non-Inspector) version while IT updates your computer.
· You may use your SiteManager for Terminal Server option while IT updates your computer.
· SiteManager for Terminal Server as an exclusive option is only temporary.
· The first login screen for the SiteManager for Terminal Server option uses your Novell account and password.
· Citrix users are not affected.
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The SiteManager update scheduled this previous weekend failed to update all workstations.
You and your users may get the message “SiteManager version has changed. Please update the software” when they attempt to login to the local SiteManager (Non-Inspector) version of SiteManager.
If this occurs please instruct your users to use the SiteManager for Terminal Server option available on their desktops.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462
Due to the administrative lock down for PC's, the ISD servers that generate the ADHOC customer reports are currently unable to display the PDF reports in the web. In response to this ISD has temporarily removed the "view report in web" option. This option will return when the issue is resolved.
Thank you,
here is the link to the WebEx site. You’ll see the 2:00 SiteManager meeting link in the list of conferences. (example below)
Stewart will have the conference call number on the screen. You’ll have to dial in to hear the audio.
From: Stewart DeWitt
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 4:03 PM
To: AUD-DDO;; Dean Aaron; Kevin Setoda; Mike Tyler; Al Bass; Alex Quintanilla; Allen Shelley; Billy Fergerson; Bob Lindley; Carl Preston; Crystal Woodruff; David Norris; Diane Weishuhn; Donnie McNatt; Earl Anderson; Ellie Salgado; Gil Herndon; Gina Williams; Glenn Jaeger; Jeff Sweetland; Jim Zwiener-C; Joyce Bujak; Ken Jones; Mack Ballenger; Marjorie Roberts; Mark Pollard; Marylou Castillo; Miguel Hernandez; Mike Williams; Pat Swindell; Reuben Jackson; Stacey Worsham; Suzy Blaschke; Wil McCarley; Cliff Hallford; Merrie Rogge; Paul Norman; Darrell Caldwell; Kelli Navarrette; Laura Alwan; Mike Fowler; Shannon Argo; Susan Simpson; James Joslin; Rickie Shields; Thomas Young; Donna Roberts; Deb Zamorano; Mark Petrusek; Miguel Arellano; Sylvia Bockholt; Tad Nichols; Tim Wilhelm; Tommy Blackmore; Tracy Cooper; Andrea Murry; Gordon Bland; John Choate; Michael Skiles; Andy Berlan; Chris Cowen; Darlene Goehl; Sheryl Petroski; Zyna Polansky; Richard Walker; Tonya Shaw; Darwin Lankford; Denise Key; Gene Garcia; Jackie Taylor; James Harris; Ronald Hatcher; David Chapa; Deborah Shults; Ed Rodriguez; Laura Benavides; Lester Lindley; Mary Alice Hernandez; Mitzie Gibson; Noe Cabazos; Rudy Landa; Sandy Harris; Ali Habibi; Frank Mayfield; Glenn Eilert; Jay Tarwater; John Jameson; John Obr; Johnny Johnson; Juan Ortega; Roxana Garcia-Zinsmeyer; Scott Starkjohann; Barbara Shepherd; Brenda Sanchez; Chris Briggs; Debbie Burgess; Rhonda Schmid; Robert Delaney; Terry Bruce; Trena Brand; Ken Barnett; Maria Chavez; Susan Freres; Tomas Saenz; Bruce Matusek; Leticia Cruz; Alan Easterling; Brad Tate; Jackie Broussard; Peggy Cooper; Richard Williammee; Steve Bone; Andrus Harris; Emmanuel Isonguyo; Josiah Yuen; Loren Rice; Lovey Reynolds; Terri Hybner; Steven Hudson; Doug Y'Barbo; George Wilson; Sam Hankla; Tom Hunter; Vivian Harrison; Jose Saldana; Lilia Gutierrez; Rosa Trevino; Sergio Reyna; Becky Jares; Claudia Kern; Greg Jones; Jana Buck; Michael Dawidczik; Richard Izzo; Robert Sarcinella; Roy Collins; Bryan Raschke; Jack Lambert; Kathy Schlegel; KC Evans; Stephen Smith; Bill Guy; Cynthia Smith; James Hutchison; Leisha Hopkins; Ricky Daniels; Carlos Peralez; Jesus Limon; John Ramirez; Jorge Rendon; Rosendo Garcia; Crystal King; David Henke; Jackie Benavides; John Heye; Lea Jacobson; Lisa Rainosek; Cathey Galbreath; Jane Hughey; Ricky Moore; Mark Frick; Sherri Ralson; Terry Frick; Hilda Whetzel; Thomas Polansky; Kara Kelley; Mark Smith; Paul Wenzel; Sean Baker; Camille Marek; Gary Gould; George Vogt; Glen Dvorak; Jonathan Rogers; Judy Broomas; Kenneth Anthony; Sherry Hutchinson
Cc: Bill Kokas; Bobby Raytchev-C; James Bunner; Raymond Longoria-C; Thane Mitchell; Veronica Davis; Michael Underwood; Stewart DeWitt; Thomas De La Portilla
Subject: Upcoming SiteManager 3.8a tx2.010
On the evening of Friday, May 10, 2013 a process to update your SiteManager application to the latest release will begin. The new version (3.8a tx 2.011) will be made available for install through LANDesk. The upgrade process will begin at 6 PM on Friday and will proceed through Saturday and Sunday (all times central). SiteManager (Citrix, MTS and client) and SiteManager reporting will be unavailable for the duration. SiteManager is scheduled to be available again on Monday, May 13th at 6 AM or sooner.
· Please make every attempt to keep all SiteManager PC's powered on during this period.
· It is mandatory that standalone users check in all work prior to 6:00 PM Friday, May 10, 2013.
· Remember – When users open SiteManager for the first time after the upgrade the user id field on the logon screen will be blank. SiteManager user ids are case sensitive and 99% of these ids are all upper case characters.
You are welcome to attend the WebEx meeting scheduled for Monday, May 6th at 10 am or 2 pm. We will review and discuss the changes described below. See the WebEx schedule for specific meeting information. The password for the meetings is “sitemanager”.
This 3.8a tx2.011 upgrade contains these significant changes.
· DWR authorization
The policy that requires DWR’s to be authorized by someone other than the creator will now be enforced by the application. Now when a user by means of a Diary attempts to authorize a DWR that they themselves created a prompt will notify the user that another party must authorize the DWR. Users will still have the option to unauthorize their own DWRs.
· DWR Calendar option *
While incorporating changes in the DWR window for the Maintenance projects to pay in SiteManager, we took the opportunity to make some upgrades to the window. We created a new window - The new DWR calendar window which employees a monthly calendar view of an inspector’s DWRs. On the DWR Info tab (see figure 1a) the calendar displays each day and the inspector’s recorded DWRs. Recorded DWRs are detailed with a host of different icons including remarks, attachments, contractor personnel and equipment, and work items. Another added feature incorporated into the calendar is the option to cut, copy, and delete a DWR by right clicking a date and making a selection from the pop-up menu. The window is also equipped with a navigation tree that allows for quick reference and selection of DWRs recorded by all inspectors on the project (sorted by date or inspector). On the Work Items tab the item list has been expanded to include additional item information (see figure 1b) to include installed, authorized, reported, and paid quantities to name a few. A quick bookmark navigation option (right side of figure 1b) is included to aid in item selection. A single click on an item’s row displays the item’s DWR history at the bottom of the screen. Here an inspector can view all the previously recorded DWR for the selected item. The content can be filtered by unauthorized, unpaid, paid, or all DWRs.
If you recall an attempt to include this with the last release of SiteManager failed due to technical difficulties and we elected to abandon the option until a later date. SiteManager can now determine if the SiteManager client is current and update the installation if it is not. A new application (SM Loader) is now included with each SiteManager installation. When a user starts SiteManager the app will read the local installation and compare it to the latest available version (see figure 2a). If the install is not current the app will install the latest version (see figure 2b). It is our hope that this new feature will allow us to bring you SiteManager enhancements quicker and with greater frequency.
A new stock account function is included with the change order header window (see figure 3). With the selection of this function the change order is exclusively for the purchase of stock material and is automated to interface with Material & Supply Management System (MSMS) accounts. Our revised Contract Administration manual will reflect this change.
This version includes three (3) new financial tools to automate essential financial duties. Primarily to be used by the Finance Division employees these new windows include the Estimate Staging (vouchering), Refund Processing (JVN220), and Administrative Hold (stop payment).
ü Estimate Staging – For the District staff this is a read-only window that allows users to view the vouchering status of recently approved pay estimates. CCSJs listed have not been vouchered by our financial system.
ü Administrative Hold – For the District staff and the Finance Division to place a payment hold on a contract. With permission granted through group security, users of this window may place, review or remove a hold for a contract.
ü Refund Processing - For the District staff this is a read-only window that allows users to view the status of a contractor’s refund. The FIN Division will use this window to record funds received from the contractor. This window is aligned with the contract adjustment process to eliminate the accidental under or over payment to the contractor.
* This is an optional window for recording DWRs. The original DWR window is still available and unchanged.
** This option is not available when in Standalone mode.
Thank you,
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
Stewart DeWitt
Construction Division
(512) 416-2462