As noted below SiteManager will be temporarily unavailable on Sunday, January 12th between the hours of 6:30 AM and 10:30 AM. Please disseminate this information to all affected parties.
Thank you
From: IT_Alerts
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 4:36 PM
To: IT_Alerts
Subject: SERVER UPDATE SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY, JAN 12 - List of affected applications included
TxDOT Colleagues:
As we recently communicated, the electrical system that supplies power to the data center in Austin will be upgraded the weekend of Jan. 17-20. Prior to this power upgrade, we must update existing server hardware to provide better redundancy and data safety.
The server update will occur this Sunday, Jan. 12, from 6:30 - 10:30 a.m. The applications listed below will be temporarily unavailable during this time. If you have any questions regarding the update, please contact the IT Service Desk at http://ITHELP or 512.305.HELP (5147).
Your IT Support Team
Applications temporarily affected on Sunday, Jan. 12 include:
Adopt a Highway (AAH)
Advanced Outfall Tracking System (AOTS)
Application Bridge Inspection Tracking System (MBITS)
Aviation Division (AVIATION)
Badge Access System (BADGE)
Bridge Log (BRDGLOG)
Bridge Shop Plan Bridge Division (BRG_SHOP_PLAN)
Central Authorization and Authentication System (CAAS)
City, State, Federal Spatial layouts (Geopolitical)
Clean Air (AIR)
Contractor Tracking System (CTS)
Cots package for Bridge Division (PONTIS)
Design (DES_SUMR)
Electronic Bidding System (EBS)
Electronic Letting System (ELS)
Electronic Payroll Record System (EPRS)
Employee Time Sheet Application (ETA)
Environmental Compliance Oversight System (ECOS)
Federal Bridge Number (PONTEX)
Fleet Tracking System (FLEETTRACKS)
GIS district users (GIS_(abbreviated district name)_USER) - All
Human Resource (HR) Replication Environment
LAN Auditing Security Tool (LAST)
Maintenance Management System (MMS)
Oversize Overweight Permits (OVRSZ_OVRWT)
Payment Card System (PCS)
Project Health Management Information System (PHMIS)
Rail Division (RAILROAD)
Region Support Center Data System (RSC)
Right Of Way (ROW)
SiteManager (SMGR)
Statewide Traffic Analysis and Reporting System (STARS)
Texas Airport Data System (ER_Finances)
Utility Installation Review System (UIR)
Texas Transportation Forum: Jan. 6-8, 2014