Wednesday, August 29, 2012

SiteManager Change Order Franchise Process

Please review:
It is CST intention in the next month or so to update SiteManager to include a modification to allow for the change order franchise rules.
The change will mimic the change order override option (those not familiar with this option see attached).
SiteManager will not be charged with the task of determining appropriate approval levels. Approval groups will not be automatically determined or calculated by dollar amount, function or other process. 
Under the franchise model, District discretion will be used to manually select approval levels. Approval groups will be assigned in a process that is identical to the override option.


Minimum requirements :

1.    A minimum of one Area Engineer or District Engineer must be included with each change order approval.

2.    A minumum of two different users must approve each change order.

More specific information as to the date and time for the update will be sent as it becomes known.
Thank you,
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SiteManager offline Sunday Sept 9th 10-12pm

SiteManager, EPRS and all dependant reporting services will be offline for routine maintenance on the morning of Sunday, September the 9th between the hours of 10-12pm. Please forward this information to all parties that may be affected by this outage.
Thank you,  

Stewart DeWitt
CST-Construction Division
Senior SiteManager Succor™
Phone: (512) 416-2462
>>> On 8/29/2012 at 11:10 AM, in message <>, Jay Edwards <> wrote:

Date:                     Sunday September 9th

Start Time:          10:00 AM

Duration:             2 hrs


TX-SM-PD and TX-SM-PD2 have been up nearly 700 days without a restart. This reboot is to primarily clear out paging but also to reset everything. Normally we would have had to reboot the servers due to maintenance of some sort by this time.


Streams replication will be shutdown prior the reboot then restarted afterwards.

The SMGRPS replication will be delayed till after the reboot is complete.


Oracle instances: SMGRPRD, SMGRADHC, TXDB9 and SMGRPS


Production databases that will be offline during during the reboot: SiteManager, SiteManager Adhoc, EPRS, LIMS, Central Permit System, SiteManager Production Support, DSS, E1391


Please let me know if someone is to be contacted and if so how (email, phone etc…) after the reboot is complete.


If there are questions or comments please let us know.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

New SiteManager Website

We have updated the SiteManager website. Please update your bookmarks to http://crossroads/org/cst/cmisd/sitemgr.asp
You'll want to check out the dedicated report pages. Each page has a table or grid with filterable fields to allow you to narrow your search and hone in on the right report. Finding the information you're searching for will never be easier.
The Statewide Construction Report developed by Mike Lehmann that previously was on the San Antonio website is now available here (http://crossroads/org/cst/cmisd/sitemgr.asp?m=smgr&p=swcreport).
The "How to Videos" are still evolving so I ask for your patience as more are created.
Stewart DeWitt
CST-Construction Division
Senior SiteManager Succor™
Phone: (512) 416-2462
===================  Hurricane Season:  Hurricane season is underway.   Do you have a Personal Plan for your family�s safety?  Visit